

2024年のサマーシーズン、自然の中でのアドベンチャーを求める方々へスペシャルな体験をお届け! キャニオニングとラフティングの両方を体験して、絶景の渓谷や激流を満喫しませんか?キャニオンズでは安全を最優先に、経験豊富なガイドがみなさまをお連れします。 心躍る冒険と自然の美しさに触れる、忘れられない体験をお約束します。 お早めの予約をお勧めします!」

Published date: 2024-04-10

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キャニオニングを始める方必見です! 大人気のアウトドアアクティビティ、キャニオニングは、滝つぼへのダイブ、ウォータースライダー、ジップラインといった様々なアクションを取り入れながら渓谷をダイナミックに下ります! 本記事ではキャニオニングの基本知識から楽しみ方まで、初心者向けにわかりやすく解説します。

Published date: 2024-04-10

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アウトドア遊びで、ストレス解消、体を動かしたい、楽しい休日を過ごしたいという大人 へ、気軽にできるアウトドア遊びをご紹介します! 激流の中でラフティング、一人のんびりパックラフティング、ふかふかの深雪でスノーシ ューツアーなどなど 四季それぞれに楽しめるアウトドア遊びがたくさんあります。 初心者でも気軽に参加してみて、もしかするとハマってしまうアウトドア遊びに出会える かもしれません。 本記事では、都会の喧騒を離れ、大自然の中で大きなWOW!!を体験できる群馬県みな かみエリアのアウトドア遊びを中心にアウトドア遊びを12種類ご紹介します!

Published date: 2024-04-10

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川下りとラフティング、一見すると似ている2つのアクティビティには一体どのような違いがあるのか?わかりやすく解説します。 ラフティングは、自分たちの力でゴムボートを操船して激流を乗り越えていく、スリリングで爽快感たっぷりのアクティビティです。激しい水しぶきを頭からかぶることも! 川下りは、大波小波の中を船頭さんの櫂(かい)さばきに身を委ねて進みます。 ラフティングと比べてどちらかというとゆったりとした時間を楽しむことができます。 本記事ではそんな2つのアクティビティの違いや、川下り体験におすすめのスポット、おすすめの季節をご紹介します。

Published date: 2024-04-03

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ラフティングに適した靴選びのポイントをご紹介します! ラフティングは川辺で行うアクティビティです。 安全かつ快適に遊ぶためには、正しい靴選びがとても大切です。 本記事ではラフティング用の靴選びについてわかりやすく解説します。

Published date: 2024-03-18

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ラフティングはゴムボートに乗り、川の激流を下るスリリングなアクティビティです。 知ればきっと体験したくなるラフティングの魅力や、おすすめシーズン、持ち物などをわかりやすく紹介します!

Published date: 2024-03-18

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Meet The Team: Sam Harris

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-07-28

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Meet The Team: Reiya Matsuba

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-07-21

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Meet the Team: Toshiki Shiokawa

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-07-14

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Children Can Canyon

Canyoning can be a family adventure. It's the perfect way to spend the summer holidays making memories together.

Published date: 2023-07-14

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Meet The Team: Ashok Sen

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-07-07

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Location Spotlight: Minakami

Welcome to our home base. Nestled in a tree-blanketed valley, surrounded by the towering mountains of Gunma Prefecture, Minakami is where it all started… We ran our first tours there, more than 2o years ago. It’s one of our favourite places to explore and adventure in Japan and it's the only place where we run our famous rafting trips down the Tone River! Featuring gorgeous canyons to explore and cool off in the heat of summer, amazing snow to play in during winter, exciting white water rapids during Spring! Minakami is an all-season adventure destination!

Published date: 2023-07-04

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Meet the Team: Aoife Williams

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-07-04

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Meet the Team: Tomoki

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-06-23

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Meet the Team: Kohei Kanno

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-06-20

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Meet the Team: Fergus Cussell

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-06-09

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Meet the Team: Adam Portland

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-06-02

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Meet the Team: Sara Suzuki

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-05-26

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Meet the Team: Aki

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-05-19

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Meet the Team: Mike Harris

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community. The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family. We want to share their story with you!

Published date: 2023-05-12

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Published date: 2022-04-07

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Published date: 2022-04-20

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Published date: 2022-05-05

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Published date: 2022-04-11

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Published date: 2022-04-04

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Canyons blog

Location Spotlight: Okutama

Okutama is your outdoor escape from the bustling Tokyo metropolis!

Meet The Team: Sam Harris

キャニオンズは単なる会社ではなく、コミュニティのひとつでもあり、そこで働く人々は単なる従業員ではなく、家族でもあります。 そんな、わたしたちキャニオンズのひとりひとりのストーリーをぜひ皆さんと共有したいと思います!