Why you should get outside!

When many people think of canyoning, rafting and other adventure sports, they imagine heart-racing, fear-inducing, exciting activities!

And while that can be true, an important part of every tour we do is taking a moment to appreciate the peace and beauty of the nature surrounding us.

Some of our tours can even be catered to those wanting a more relaxing experience, especially our rafting and packrafting tours in summer. Imagine floating down a meandering river, with dappled sunlight warming your body.

Japan Adventure

Spending time outdoors can boost your physical and mental health in a myriad of different ways.

With the crazy humidity and high heat of summer, it can be tempting to want to stay indoors with the air conditioning on... But we promise you, getting outside into nature is going to be a lot more refreshing!

Now, if the thought of slowly floating down a cool river isn't enough to get you enthused about getting outdoors, then read on to learn some of the key benefits of getting outside and into nature.

1. Breathe better

In many big cities in Japan, pollution levels are high. Especially with the intense humidity, trapping air pollutants in the atmosphere.

Green spaces have the freshest air due to plants and trees working hard on circulating the air!

Because of this, spending more time out in nature can help to lower your risk of respiratory concerns.

2. Improve your sleep

Getting outside and enjoying the sunshine can improve your sleep by helping you feel more tired at night, reducing the time it takes to fall asleep, and overall improving the quality of your rest.

Japan Adventure

3. Boost your mood

Sunshine and nature can calm the nerves, boost your happiness, and ease depression symptoms like low mood and fatigue.

That vitamin D will make you feel good and by spending time away from the overstimulating modern-day world, including flashing screens and constant connection, you can reconnect with yourself.

Nature is the perfect place to unwind and recharge in, it's been found to decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Japan Adventure

4. Increase your levels of physical activity

When you're outside exploring, you're going to be moving more and using different muscles! Any time spent not sedentary is going to help improve your physical health, including lowering your blood pressure.

Japan Adventure

5. Better social interactions

When you come on a tour with us, you'll meet new people and a fun environment, making friends for life! These social connections can help fend off feelings of loneliness.

Japan Adventure



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    Location Spotlight: Okutama

    Okutama is your outdoor escape from the bustling Tokyo metropolis!

    Meet The Team: Sam Harris

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