What does your “day off” look like?

Taking a day off right now might not seem like a priority in the midst of a global pandemic, but failing to take time off could actually have a negative effect not only to the company you work for but also on your physical and mental health.

In this day and age, it can be quite easy to burn out as there are so many opportunities and we pressure ourselves to do everything possible. Yes, life is full of responsibilities but this is why it is important to slow down and find the balance in it all. 

Creating balance in your life is a personal journey. It is important to remember that you can decide how to devote your time and energy.

If you are interested in how to do this, then read on to find out Canyons' top tips to 'Refresh your Mind, Body, and Soul...'

Get up and move     

One of the best things to do on your day off is get up and go!  

The act of physical movement is a fantastic way to get in touch with your senses and set the tone for the day.  

Our advice: jump on the early train and head out for a day of canyoning or rafting to help wash away the stresses of everyday life. 

Spend time outdoors    

Being in nature helps us to feel alive.

Even just a short time spent outdoors can make a huge difference to how you are feeling and can help lead you to a happier, more fulfilled life. 

Our advice: come and discover the hidden beauty of Minakami or Okutama and bathe your soul in nature. 

Unplug and enjoy the day      

Removing distractions is the quickest way to feeling better.

Using technology at the right level can be tricky, especially in today’s fast-paced environment. Unplugging and taking some time to reconnect with yourself and be present in the activities taking place around you can be incredibly valuable. 

Our advice: it is hard not to be in the present moment when you are sliding down a 20m waterfall!

Fox Canyon, Minakami

It is important to take the time to change up the daily routine, have a break from the norm and get out of your comfort zone but the most important thing to remember is that it has to feel good to you!