Meet the Team: Akihito Endo

Canyons is not just a company, but it's a community.

The people that run Canyons are not just employees but they are family.

We want to share their story with you!

Introducing our longest-running employee and epic canyoning guide: Akihito Endo

Canyoning Guide Minakami Japan

Aki is an epic canyoning guide and he has also been part of the Canyons' crew for the longest - 16 years!

Minakami is his hometown and he has been jumping into Fox Canyon's waters since he was seven years old.

~ Read more of Aki's story below ~

Where was your first ever canyoning trip and what did you feel during the trip? Were you scared?

Fox Canyon was my first ever canyoning trip. I couldn't believe we could rappel down such a big waterfall. I had almost no feeling of fear, I just thought canyoning was simply amazing.

Canyoning Guide Minakami Japan

What is your favourite part of canyoning?

You find superb views to enjoy, which can only be seen by canyoning. For example, 50-metre-high waterfalls and the space under the waterfall. If the sunlight hits at the right time when descending a large waterfall. If the sunlight hits at the right time when descending a large waterfall, you can see a rainbow! I also love to look at the highly transparent river waters. They are so pristine and beautiful.

Canyoning Guide Minakami Japan

Why should people try canyoning in Japan?

The adventure experience will refresh your mind and body. I also think taking on new challenges will lead to personal growth and new discoveries.

Canyoning Guide Minakami Japan
