Refresh customers, communities, nature by providing world class sustainable outdoor adventure experiences


Serve as whitewater rafting and pack raft guide. Guides will run primarily half-day and full-day trips on the Tone River and may be rotated onto occasional trips on some of the other rivers that we run. Guide’s primary responsibility is to safely entertain our guests, seeking to provide the best possible experience. Guides will be a member of a high-standard company which emphasises quality, customer service, and teamwork.


Canyons have a large demand for outdoor education programs, which also includes kids camps throughout the season, and as part of Canyons team, you may be asked to instruct/facilitate those programs activities. Outdoor education programs require teamwork, soft skills and plenty of flexibility, together with the guiding skills. As an educator we expect you to behave in professional manners and safely entertain our students, seeking to provide the best possible experience. Majority of the programs will be in Minakami, occasionally there will be programs in other locations. See details in Outdoor Education Instructor Job Description.


Minakami, Gunma, Japan and/or Okutama, Tokyo, Japan and/or Kiho, Mie, Japan

* Throughout the season, you may be rotated onto occasional trips/expeditions in other locations.


● Guides will run primarily half-day, full-day and multi-day whitewater rafting/packraft (Outdoor Education Programs) trips. Majority of trips will be on the Tone River.
● Runs occasional trips on Tama, Shinano and other rivers.
● Performs occasional safety boat/packraft responsibilities.
● Performs occasional drivers, camera responsibilities.
● Clean base facilities such as toilets, shower rooms, changing rooms and cars.
● Packs equipment, unpacks, cleans, and puts away all trip gear after trip. Stacks and ties down boats.
● Washes and hangs out trip rental gear and lifejackets.
● Puts away all dry gear each morning (wetsuits, shoes, lifejackets etc.).
● Guests pick-up and drop-off when assigned.
● Welcome guests, collect tour fee and check-in procedures when assigned.
● After the tour guides are expected to socialise with the tour guests.
● Safety briefing for guests
● Fits lifejackets, wetsuits and other rental gear for guests.
● Repairs or replaces equipment damaged or lost due to gross negligence that was specific guide’s responsibility.
● Completes and turns in incident and accident reports when necessary immediately following the incident or accident.
● Sees that post trip meetings address any issues from the day.
● Looks for ways to better serve the guest and the company, brings new ideas to management if it involves policy change.
● Maintains a good sense of humour and cooperative attitude in dealing with co-workers and guests.
● Is expected to behave in a professional manner at all times.
● Learn about the natural environment and history of the area and share knowledge with guests.
● Treats guests in a manner that makes them feel respected, valued, liked and cared for.
● Performs other responsibilities as assigned. Other duties may include helping other departments such as kitchen, accommodation cleaning and guest services.


Evaluated on thoroughness in performing duties, attitude, punctuality, ability to operate as a team player, initiative, mature judgement, relationships with co-workers, management and guests, flexibility, and willingness to learn.


● 18 years old or older
● Current CPR
● Be physically fit
● Must be able to work weekends and holidays
● Be available to work a minimum of one summer season (April-October)
● Have a professional attitude
● Work long hours and not be subject to burnout and moodiness
● Work well under pressure
● Be a team player
● Purchase guiding equipment


ติดตามเราเพื่อรับข่าวสาร กิจกรรม และส่วนลด

Canyons บล็อก


恒例となったニューアコースティックキャンプは、自然の中で音楽を楽しむ素晴らしいイベントです。特に、みなかみの豊かな自然環境は、心を癒し、音楽をより一層引き立ててくれます。このイベントは、アウトドア好きな皆様にとって、日常を離れ、心身ともにリフレッシュできる貴重な機会です。 また、さまざまなアーティストのライブパフォーマンスや、参加者同士の交流も魅力の一つです。キャンプの雰囲気の中で音楽を楽しむことで、参加者は共通の趣味を持つ仲間と特別な絆を築くことができます。 さらに、周辺にはアウトドアアクティビティも豊富にありますので、キャンプの合間に自然を満喫することもできます。家族や友人と共に、ニューアコースティックキャンプで素晴らしい思い出を作ってみてはいかがでしょうか。


2023年5月に起きた、みなかみラフティング事故は、アウトドアを楽しむ多くの方に衝撃を与えました。この事故を通じて、ラフティングを提供する会社の安全対策の重要性が再認識されています。特に、適切な装備や指導が行われているかどうかは、事故防止に大きく寄与する要素です。 アウトドアツアーを行う会社の責任として、常に安全を最優先に考える必要があります。事前のリスク評価や、天候状況の把握は不可欠です。また、インストラクターの経験値や技術も、安全に楽しむための大切な要素となります。 弊社のガイドも要請を受け、捜索救助にあたりましたが、残念な結果となり大変申し訳なく、被害者の方、ご遺族の皆様に深く哀悼の意を捧げます。 この記事に関しましては、今後の弊社の安全に対する取り組みを強化するにあたり社内で検討したことであり、公式の見解ではございませんのでご了承くださいませ。