Playing x Eating

We have an special deal for your weekend!

Pick either:

1. Half-day Rafting Tour in Minakami 


2. Fox Canyoning Tour 


3. Fox Plus Canyoning Tour


4. Pack raft Tour in Minakami

Only 3 days of May 28th , June 3rd and 4th, You can get FREE Canyons Beef Burger set when you booked half day tour in Minakami!

The restaurants in Minakami are crowded on weekends, so it is recommended to make a reservation in advance and enjoy the food leisurely on the spacious deck.

This time, customers who apply for the afternoon tour can choose before or after the tour.

If you are booking an afternoon tour, please let us know if you would like to eat before or after the tour.

Applicable dates:

Tour participation dates on May 28th, June 3rd and 4th.

Target tour:

Minakami half-day rafting OR

Minakami FOX Canyoning OR

Minakami FOX PLUS Canyoning OR

Minakami Pack raft

Reservation method:

From each tour on the website choose either a half-day rafting tour or Minakami FOX canyoning tour during the target period, and check lunch as an option.

Please enter the campaign code [Playing x Eating] in the comment field, and also enter After or Before if you are booking a afternoon tour.

After confirming , Canyons will contact you again with the discount price.


• Please be sure to enter the campaign code in the comment field on the reservation form.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

We are excited to see you next week!



Canyons ブログ


ラフティングの服装は、基本的に水着又は濡れても良いアンダーウェア(Tシャツ・短パン可)を持参するだけで大丈夫です! その他の装備はレンタルできることが一般的で、誰でも手軽に楽しむことができます。 ラフティングは川の流れを活かしたスリリングで爽快感溢れるアウトドアアクティビティです! 安全に楽しむための基本装備や必要な持ち物、あると便利なグッズなどをご紹介します。


2024年のサマーシーズン、自然の中でのアドベンチャーを求める方々へスペシャルな体験をお届け! キャニオニングとラフティングの両方を体験して、絶景の渓谷や激流を満喫しませんか?キャニオンズでは安全を最優先に、経験豊富なガイドがみなさまをお連れします。 心躍る冒険と自然の美しさに触れる、忘れられない体験をお約束します。 お早めの予約をお勧めします!」